I had a bad day yesterday, my pain got so bad that I blacked out at the top of the stairs. I woke up at the bottom with lots of blood coming from my head, a completely swollen Crps arm, a suspected broken hip, neck injuries & a suspected dislocated shoulder.
I had to stay there for 1 1/2 hours until my carer called before she could call an ambulance. I was taken to our regional trauma centre in record time & was amazed how many docs & nurses were waiting for me as I was wheeled in. They were amazing & to my surprise, knew exactly what Crps was & treated me accordingly.
My Crps is down my right hand side so when I got there a ward sister stood next to my bad arm & said that her sole aim was to keep my arm safe & make sure nobody touched it. She was amazing & I was so impressed with them.
Luckily my hip was ok & my shoulder popped back in before we got to hosp but my arm is a mess. My neck survived apart from damaging a nerve that sent my bladder into retention which meant I needed a catheter for a while but I'm very lucky. This all happened because my pain got too much. People need to know just how much we suffer & if there is anything they can do to help. For instance, when I got to the ER, they used warm blankets so not to shock my damaged side & create more pain.
Thanks for reading, Ian x